About the project
This project was developed using Lazarus 2.2.2 and FPC 3.2.2. It may work on older versions, but it's not our team's target.
The project is also configured to work with vscode. It has configuration for build, tests and debug. However, some extensions detailed in the dependencies section below may be required.
Github repository
Development dependencies
There are no dependencies to work with this project in Lazarus. But to work in vscode the following dependencies are needed:
Lazbuild - needs to be in the path, so the build task should work.
Free Pascal (fpc) Debugger - vscode extension that is configured in launhc.json, you may choose one of your preference.
Omni Pascal - vscode extension to format code, for code completion, syntax check, etc.
pasc - command line tool used to show unit test report and provide watch function during development, it is used by some tasks configured in tasks.json file.
Documentation dependencies
pasdoc - it´s a documentation tool for freepascal, it´s optional for build the project, but required to build documentation. Must be in the path.
build.ps1 - is a powershell script to run pasdoc and generate the documentation site, it must be called from the project root: "docs/generate/build.ps1"
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.